Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Of Headless Mice... and Men

The article scared me, not just because of the topic but the way the author chose to write the paper. Cloning mice without "heads" is a crazy concept, but the end product mice is the regular mouse with no brain to operate the vessel. The beginning of the paper gives a general idea of what scientists are achieving with this new found since, for the late nineties. In Texas tadpoles are the animal of choice when it comes to their experiment of removing the cell that creates the brain before the tadpole is developed. The article continues to question if brainless cloning is ethical or are we playing god, but remains slightly unbiased for a majority of the paper. However, during the last two paragraph the paper hits a steep hill and falls into the negative side towards cloning. This shocked me, resulting in many questions floating around in my head.
All in all the article was convincing, because it allowed the reader to feel as though they are in a comfortable state only a few questions asked and then BAM you are hit with a brick wall of conviction. There was several approaches the author took, but hovered mostly over ethos side of things involving facts, logos, to cover the bases. The article was well put together and offered me another view on cloning.

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