Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Crack in the Box

The article has no thesis statement to be found, it just portrays a general idea to the reader. The author begins the article speaking about drugs in todays society and how they are highly addictive and could potentially control a person's life. Not until the fifth paragraph of the paper does he create the correlation between the addiction to television and drugs. The author continues to create a line between these two and provides supporting information. Yet the statistics he used seemed to only have one connection and that is the time period of the two. Examples such as 31.7 million t.v.'s were sold during 1955 and during the same time felonies took an increase.

The author uses lots of facts but very little emotion during the paper. There is some logos spread around the paper, but most of the information provided seem too far fetched. As a result I was not favorable to this article, maybe because of my position.

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