Monday, April 12, 2010

Don't Blame the Eater

The thesis in the paper was not in standard MLA format where it is presented in the introduction paragraph and restated in the conclusion. Towards the conclusion of the essay is where the thesis is actually presented to the reader, but Zinczenko's position is obvious throughout the persuasive essay. He covers his basis well with many facts about the increase in rates of children with diabetes, and gives an example of some fast food joints that advertise towards children.
The paper shows a good balance of ethos, logos, and pathos in the reading but it wasn't a very long article to begin with. If any of the three, he shows the most pathos. At the beginning of the reading, he tells his fight with childhood obesity and talks about how these obese children are picked on all the time. Several facts were thrown around such as the calorie count of a chicken salad with a coke. Zinczenko talked about whether or not we should, including the government, regulate the fast food industry and the lack of nutritional information.
The format of the paper was pleasing because the story brought me in and he continued with his message including some interesting facts. Overall I don't believe it is the fast food companies fault but more so the parents responsibility to teach there children about eating right. However I am all for mandatory nutrition classes in public schools, because I honestly ate what I was given and luckily most of it was good for me; exercising and sports helped too.

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